Welcome to Django Collector's documentation! ============================================ Django Collector is a django application that is used to collect email addresses. The typical use case is a start-up that is in the pre-launch phase and wants to collect email addresses so that a launch notice may be sent out. Django Collector is unique in that is provides a mechanism for people to delete their email addresses before the launch notice is sent out. Full data portability at all times! Django Collector is all over teh internets... * https://github.com/rentalita/django-collector * https://launchpad.net/django-collector * http://django-collector.rtfd.org * http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-collector * http://djangopackages.com/packages/p/django-collector INSTALLATION ============ * Use the Rentalita PPA:: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rentalita/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-django-collector See also: https://launchpad.net/~rentalita/+archive/ppa * Use the Cheese Shop:: sudo pip install djang-collector SETTINGS ======== These settings are expected to appear in ``settings.py``. * COLLECTOR_SEND_EMAIL True or False. Default is False. Requires a working MTA. When True, Django Collector will send an email with instructions on how to delete the email address. This is as simple as clicking on a link in the email. * COLLECTOR_FROM_EMAIL Default is the empty string. This email address will be used in the ``From:`` field. For example: ``webmaster@example.com``. Each template has been localized. For example, in settings.py:: LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' _ = lambda x: x LANGUAGES = ( ('en', _(u'English')), ('es', _(u'Espanol')), ) means that English and Espanol are supported. English is the default. Users that request other languages will get English. * COLLECTOR_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE Default is ``collector/subject.txt``. * COLLECTOR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE Default is ``collector/message.txt``. * COLLECTOR_DELETED_TEMPLATE Default is ``collector/deleted.html``. This template will be displayed when the user deletes her email address by clicking the link in the email sent to her. * COLLECTOR_BLOB404_TEMPLATE Default is ``collector/blob404.html``. This template will be displayed when the user attempts to delete an email address that has already been deleted. TEMPLATE VARIABLES ================== These variables are made available to every template. * COLLECTOR_URL This is a fully-qualified, hard-to-guess, and unique URL that will delete the associated email address when clicked. This is expected to appear in the ``COLLECTOR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE``. EXAMPLES ======== Sites using Django Collector: * https://www.rentalita.com Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`